

On self-esteem

Is it possible for you to feel OK by interacting with someone you feels is NOT OK? Is it possible to increase one’s sense of worth through dealings with someone who has low self worth? Yet another thought-provoking and relatable question from our Transactional Analysis course. This is one of the easier ones to answer.…

2024 Suggested Resolutions: Go all in!

Whatever it is you truly want, do yourself a favor and GO FOR IT. Go all in. If it doesn’t work out at least you can’t say you didn’t try. Dreams tease us with possibilities, whispering to us in the quiet moments of our lives. We know this is it. Yet, how often do we…

Time Like a River

I remember this song by American singer-songwriter Michael Johnson (1944-2017), I’ll Always Love You. The bridge goes: Time like a river keeps onRollin’ right on byNothing left for me to doSo I watch the river rise? Michael Johnson, “I’ll Always Love You” (1979) I imagine myself standing about waist-deep in this river of time, facing…

2024 Suggested Resolutions: Make it the year you get louder.

Mediocre people who work loudly outperform great people who work quietly. Is it fair? No. Is it reality? Yes. This advice goes against another wise saying by an anonymous author: Don’t tell others your plans. Show them your results. Anonymous I agree that speaking about plans drains energy — as if the satisfaction of accomplishing…

2024 Suggested Resolutions: Try to be a little unreasonable in 2024

And fight for the life you want. The price you pay for being easygoing is not getting what you want. This advice calls to mind something that author Steven Pressfield wrote in his smart little book Do the Work. He wrote Stay stupid. Follow your unconventional, crazy heart. Steven Pressfield in “Do the Work” Children,…


The problem is rarely the problem; 99% of the problem is caused in your head by you and your thoughts. 1% of the problem is caused by reality, what actually happens, and the outcome. Most of the time the problem isn’t the problem. The way you think about the problem is. This reminded me about…

On living in the presence of God

The quest for meaning and purpose has often led individuals to connect with something greater than themselves. We are convinced of the presence of God. The idea of dwelling in the divine presence holds profound implications for one’s perspective on life, morality, and the very nature of existence. Living in the presence of God implies…


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